
Showing posts from 2023

Grapevine flower clusters

Whenever I get to visit a vineyard in Spring from time to time I am amazed by how fast the shoots grow. (According to Wikipedia they can average 3cm a day.) After every week there are so many new leaves.  Hidden among (under) the leaves the small flower clusters, that will eventually become clusters of grapes, begin to appear. Click on the images to view them in full.  SHARE this page OR share the blog's link:  FOLLOW this blog through the subscription widget on the sidebar.  [Click on the "3 lines" on the top left of the home page to open the sidebar.]

Analogue Electronics

Compared to today's digital electronics the boards of those days may look ancient.   This little bedside radio worked fine for many decades - until it was pushed aside by digital options. Click on the images to view them in full.  SHARE this page OR share the blog's link:  FOLLOW this blog through the subscription widget on the sidebar.  [Click on the "3 lines" on the top left of the home page to open the sidebar.]


Rusted old vehicles can be a depressing sight. On closer inspection interesting details can be found, created by the process of deterioration.  Click on the images to view them in full.  SHARE this page OR share the blog's link:  FOLLOW this blog through the subscription widget on the sidebar.  [Click on the "3 lines" on the top left of the home page to open the sidebar.

Tankwa 2016

In July 2016 some of our family visited Tankwa Karoo National Park in Ceres district. It was still winter, but we were so blessed and happy to find these semi desert plains covered with carpets of bright wildflowers! Click on the images to view them in full.  SHARE this page OR share the blog's link:  FOLLOW this blog through the subscription widget on the sidebar.  [Click on the "3 lines" on the top left of the home page to open the sidebar.]

Attractive faces

I've heard that a newborn baby's essential needs include the presence of a loving human face. Their  searching eyes will come to rest when they can connect with the face of the one caring for them. Maybe that is why people's faces can be so captivating? I find photographing people (portraits) gratifying, but then again it is not easy to do. Posting photos of people can also be problematic. The photos below were taken in 2011, 2013 and 2015 and therefore I assume none of these men will be unhappy to see how handsome they looked back then. Click on the images to view them in full.  SHARE this page OR share the blog's link:  FOLLOW this blog through the subscription widget on the sidebar.  [Click on the "3 lines" on the top left of the home page to open the sidebar.]

A feather

The teacher holds up a feather in front of the class of pre-school children and asks: Do you know what this is?  Yes, answers a child: It is a bird-leaf!      It is always worthwhile to pick up a leaf or a feather  - even a small one - and have a closer look. Click on the images to view them in full.  SHARE this page OR share the blog's link:  FOLLOW this blog through the subscription widget on the sidebar.  [Click on the "3 lines" on the top left of the home page to open the sidebar.] Previous posts with MACRO photos:

Wildflowers at Elandsbaai

What a privilege it was to be able to stay in Elandsbaai for a few days. A charming fishing village (turning into a popular holiday destination) that is off the beaten track. Different terrains provide a wide variety of wildflowers. We were blessed with enough sunshine days to enjoy!  Click on the images to view them in full.  SHARE this page OR share the blog's link:  FOLLOW this blog through the subscription widget on the sidebar.  [Click on the "3 lines" on the top left of the home page to open the sidebar.]


This posts the 100th photo:  Click on the image to view it in full.  With photos from 2008 up till this month they give some sort of overview.  The chronology was random (and will probably remain so) and therefore it may not show any progress or improvement. (I hope there was.) The blog's header reads "Sharing some of my photos with family and friends and whoever want to view them", and maybe it operated subconsciously in my mind that I need to post photos that will be likable to them.  In future I may also post photos that are a bit different.... One aspect of my photography that is not reflected yet, is photos of people - especially of our grandchildren (which form a big part of my photos). This blog is open for anyone who may find it on the Internet, and therefore photos of children become a sensitive matter. Photos that fall under the type of street photography should be appropriate, and I may venture there in future. SHARE this page OR share the blog's link: http


We see pictures of wild flowers and we see the delicate new leaves of trees all around - announcing that Spring is in the air!  However, our weather is still wet and cold!  Maybe it's a good time to revisit photos from the opportunity I had to take photos of wild flowers in the Ceres Karoo in August 2011. Click on the images to view them in full.  SHARE this page OR share the blog's link:  FOLLOW this blog through the subscription widget on the sidebar.  [Click on the "3 lines" on the top left of the home page to open the sidebar.]

A beaten seashell

This seashell must have been washed out on the West-coast shore a long time ago and beaten during many tides and seasons. Fortunately it was not completely damaged, but changed into a new artwork. Click on the images to view them in full.  SHARE this page OR share the blog's link:  FOLLOW this blog through the subscription widget on the sidebar.  [Click on the "3 lines" on the top left of the home page to open the sidebar.]

Quiver Trees

Images of beautiful Quiver Trees (Kokerbome) are much wider known than Namaqualand where they are indigenous. They are photogenic. The beauty and appeal of these unique trees, growing in semi-desert areas, are more than a few photos can convey. Click on the images to view them in full. SHARE this page OR share the blog's link:  FOLLOW this blog through the subscription widget on the sidebar.  [Click on the "3 lines" on the top left of the home page to open the sidebar.]

Little Namaqualand

Little Namaqualand is the portion of Namaqualand south of the Orange River. It is famous for its wild flowers during Spring. This winter we travelled through a segment of this semi desert region (South-West and South-East of Springbok). Although it was too early for the wildflower season, we were filled with wonder by the beauty of its landscapes. The granite formations are magnificent. Click on the images to view them in full.  SHARE this page OR share the blog's link:  FOLLOW this blog through the subscription widget on the sidebar.  [Click on the "3 lines" on the top left of the home page to open the sidebar.]


In South Africa we associate a cold winter with snow on the mountains. This winter is one!  These photos were taken while we lived in Paarl (taken in 2008, 2010 and 2013). Click on the images to view them in full.  SHARE this page OR share the blog's link:  FOLLOW this blog through the subscription widget on the sidebar.  [Click on the "3 lines" on the top left of the home page to open the sidebar.]

Last leaves of autumn

The colours of autumn can be enjoyed for a limited time. When autumn changes into winter most leaves are damaged and blown away.  Then it helps to find an interesting fallen leave, pick it up, and have a good look at it. Click on the images to view them in full.  PS: after 28 weekly posts, I will from now on post less regularly. SHARE this page OR share the blog's link:  FOLLOW this blog through the subscription widget on the sidebar.  [Click on the "3 lines" on the top left of the home page to open the sidebar.]

A fruit farm

Although there is some "mixed farming" on Fonteintjie, the emphasis is on the production of fruit. (The blossoms are peach.) Click on the images to view them in full.  SHARE this page OR share the blog's link:  FOLLOW this blog through the subscription widget on the sidebar.  [Click on the "3 lines" on the top left of the home page to open the sidebar.]

Glimpses of a farm (2014)

The farm Fonteintjie is located in the district of Ceres. The Afrikaans name can be translated as "small fountain". In Afrikaans (as in English) the diminutive is often used to convey a sense of intimacy or endearment.  Then the name translates: precious fountain, or: beloved fountain.  Click on the images to view them in full.  SHARE this page OR share the blog's link:  FOLLOW this blog through the subscription widget on the sidebar.  [Click on the "3 lines" on the top left of the home page to open the sidebar.]


Bees are amazing winged insects. A quick search on the Internet convinced me that I know almost nothing about them. Therefore I am not even trying to identify these bees. (The red one might not be a bee, but some sort of wasp - or hornet?) Click on the images to view them in full.  SHARE this page OR share the blog's link:  FOLLOW this blog through the subscription widget on the sidebar.  [Click on the "3 lines" on the top left of the home page to open the sidebar.]

Dandelion-clocks dance

Before I've recently read about the many benefits of Dandelions on the Internet (e g:, I considered them as invasive weeds in our garden.  They have nice yellow flowers that change into photogenic white globes of clocks.  Click on the images to view them in full. They look quite different on a full screen. SHARE this page OR share the blog's link:  FOLLOW this blog through the subscription widget on the sidebar.  [Click on the "3 lines" on the top left of the home page to open the sidebar.]