This posts the 100th photo: 

Click on the image to view it in full. 

With photos from 2008 up till this month they give some sort of overview.  The chronology was random (and will probably remain so) and therefore it may not show any progress or improvement. (I hope there was.)

The blog's header reads "Sharing some of my photos with family and friends and whoever want to view them", and maybe it operated subconsciously in my mind that I need to post photos that will be likable to them.  In future I may also post photos that are a bit different....

One aspect of my photography that is not reflected yet, is photos of people - especially of our grandchildren (which form a big part of my photos). This blog is open for anyone who may find it on the Internet, and therefore photos of children become a sensitive matter. Photos that fall under the type of street photography should be appropriate, and I may venture there in future.

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