The vast Karoo

Maybe I was in grade 7 when our English (second language) teacher taught us a poem telling the story of a train journey from Worcester crossing the Hex River mountains. He got so excited that I still remember him exclaiming, "out of De Doorns she thundered, and over the vast Karoo!". This came to mind when we recently travelled from Britstown to Carnarvon. Therefore I tried to capture the vastness of this little part of the Karoo with a panorama.

Do yourself a favour and open the photo on a bigger screen, zoom till the height fills the screen and then pan from the one side to the other (covering about 150 degrees).
PS: I found the poem (Crossing the Hex Mountains by John Runcie) on the Internet, but the line I remember reads, "Then out of De Doorns she thundered, and over the starved Karoo". Did the teacher change the wording to "vast Karoo" or was it changed in my memory because I have experienced the Karoo?
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  1. Ek dink "vast" is beter as "starved" :-)

  2. Can imagine the utter peace in travelling this long road.


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