
Showing posts from 2022


Christmastime is remembering time. This aspect of Christmastime increases through the years. Is is almost inescapable to think back: with whom were we together? What happened during that Christmastime? Often we take photos and they remind us. Even the photos of the Christmas decorations bring back memories of that year's Christmastime! 2015 2009 2008 - taken at a Christmas lights festival of the retirement estate, Prince Alfred Hamlet. Click on the images to open them. Follow this blog through the subscription widget on the sidebar.  [Click on the "3 lines" on the top left of the home page to open the sidebar.]

Canola fields

Travelling through the Boland area of the Western Cape during late Winter can be rewarded by attractive sights of yellow Canola lands in full bloom amongst green wheat lands.  Each year the Canola landscape will be different depending on which lands farmers planted with Canola and how good the winter rains had been. September 2018 August 2018 August 2011 Capturing such an awesome sight is often quite challenging: find a safe spot to stop next to a road with fast moving traffic and then come near enough without trespassing..... These photos are from different areas in the district of Caledon.  Click on the images to open them. Follow this blog through the subscription widget on the sidebar.  [Click on the "3 lines" on the top left of the home page to open the sidebar.]

Blarney Castle

A search on the Internet results in many photos of this landmark tower castle.  The sight of the main tower with the adjacent towers and structures is indeed an irresistible photogenic scene. However, the interior of the Castle is similarly wonderful.  Each scene makes one wonder about the almost 600 years it witnessed. How many millions of people have gone up and down those stairs? I was privileged to visit this beautiful Castle in Blarney, Ireland in August 2022. Click on the images to open them. Follow this blog through the subscription widget on the sidebar.  [Click on the "3 lines" on the top left of the home page to open the sidebar.]


Horses are such magnificent animals!   These photos are from a showjumping event in April 2022, of the Stellenbosch District Riding Club. Click on the images to open them. Follow this blog through the subscription widget on the sidebar.  [Click on the "3 lines" on the top left of the home page to open the sidebar.]

A visit to Saint Fin Barre's Cathedral

  I was privileged to visit this beautiful Cathedral in Cork, Ireland in August 2022. Photos cannot convey the space and atmosphere, but these communicate something of what impressed me. Click on the images to open them. Follow this blog through the subscription widget on the sidebar.  [Click on the "3 lines" on the top left of the home page to open the sidebar.]